Get comfortable, maybe grab a snack, snuggle in your fuzzyblanket. Gosh, I love my fuzzyblanket.
There. That’s nice.
Welcome! I’m MizAnna. I like to cook things, and eat them. So I tend to spend time online, looking for recipes. And goodness, are there ever a LOT of ’em out there! And they usually have a little story about the recipe. A funfact. And an anecdote. And some meandering thoughts about some friend’s brother and the bullshit wisdom he picked up in Thailand on some yoga retreat. Occasional musings on the wood grain of this heirloom rolling pin, the little spice planter on the windowsill, and maybe something about the dog someone had as a kid. And then sometimes some waxing about the ingredients and/or implements and then, after multiple repeating photos of the food, you get the recipe.
So, I’m going to put the foods out front. Maybe an occasional educational one-liner above, but food first. If you’d like to read the adjacents, please do feel free. I’ll even make a little space for you to leave a little something. You know, chat some about the story surrounding the food. Or, if you made it, how was it? Did you eat it? Do tell! I especially adore when people entirely rework the recipe to make it into something it most assuredly isn’t. Then after replacing the mushrooms with celery and MSG or barley or whatever, bitch about how awful it was, usually, no, always with a pithy sniff of superiority. OMG that’s my favourite. Do that! DO THAT.
Seriously. Do that.
And now. Hello! Welcome! Let’s do a thing.